Ed Laing
Principal Consultant – Investment Advisory"I joined the KPMG Pensions department in 2002 as a graduate and I still remember how excited I was to join the world of work. The Practice was much smaller back then and it’s amazing to see how much we have grown over the years, and then more recently seeing how we have successfully carved out our own independent identity by becoming Isio.
I qualified as an Actuary on the Pensions side of the business before moving across to the Investment side, and I have found this actuarial background really useful when advising clients on their investment strategies. There are many reasons why I have stayed here for so long and continue to really enjoy my career at Isio - the main one has to be the people. Everywhere you look you find a smart, hardworking and really friendly group, always happy to help out and work as a team.
I love being challenged and the work is incredibly diverse, from technical asset-liability modelling through to report writing and research. For any piece of financial news in the press, you will nearly always be able to link it back to what that means for pension schemes – it is such a current topic.
I find it genuinely inspiring to play a small part in the bigger picture of helping to ensure that pension scheme members have increased security in retirement through the advice that we give our clients. And with the massive increase in focus on ESG investment, I am really proud of how Isio is approaching this incredibly important area. We as investment consultants have a huge role to play in ensuring that sustainability stays front and centre of the investment landscape for many years to come."